CogSmart, AI-based hippocampal measurement MRI test "BrainSuite" now available for Chinese-speaking tourists at selected hospitals
CogSmart Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; Representative Directors: Akira Higuchi [*1], Yasuyuki Taki [*2]) is an artificial intelligence software development company.
[*1] Attorney-at-law in Japan (Bengoshi) and England and Wales (solicitor) / Researcher of Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer (IDAC), Tohoku University
[*2] Professor, PhD. of Medicine, IDAC, Tohoku University
Since 2021, CogSmart has been providing BrainSuite®, an AI-based tool that measures the size of the hippocampus within a couple minutes, locally in Japan. In our latest initiative, we have partnered with Medock General Health Checkup Clinic (medock 総合健診クリニック) and Tokyo Hikifune Hospital (医療法人伯鳳会 東京曳舟病院) to provide BrainSuite® services to Chinese-speaking tourists beginning Tuesday 13th March.

The projected number of tourists visiting Japan exceed 25 million [*3] in 2023 and reach 34.77 million [*4] in 2024. “Consumption during travel by country/region” published by JNTO (Japan National Tourism Organization) shows that China ranked top (442 billion yen), Taiwan second (263.9 billion yen) and Hong Kong fifth (174.3 billion yen) in amount spent during trips to Japan between April and June 2024. With the launch of this new service, CogSmart is targeting medical tourists from the top-ranked countries and regions [*5].
[*3] [*4] JNTO, "Visitor Arrivals to Japan and Japanese Overseas Travelers"
[*5] JNTO, International Visitor Survey (IVS)
BrainSuite's unique AI technology, “Hippodeep”, has been developed based on brain imaging data gathered from various countries with diverse populations and can accurately measure hippocampal volume regardless of an individual’s ethnicity.
In addition, our unique brain measurement models are derived from a reference database comprising a large number of Asian (Japanese) participants of all ages, and thus applies closely to the significant share of the world population that are of Asian ethnicity.

CogSmart (Japan) was established in 2019, followed by the establishment of the Hong Kong subsidiary, CogSmart Asia Limited, in 2020. We were the first Japan-based company to be selected by the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTPC) for the 4-year "Incu-Bio" incubation programme for the growth and development of biomedical technology start-ups. We have since conducted R&D, global market research and business development activities through CogSmart Asia Limited.

In Japan, there are an estimated 36.27 million elderly people over the age of 65 [*6], 28.4% of the total population. Japan has become a super-aging society, while other parts of the world have also experienced an increase in their ageing populations. In 2022, the number of elderly people aged 65 and over in China reached 209.78 million, accounting for 14.9% of the total population [*7]. The proportion of elderly people in Hong Kong and Taiwan is 21.4% [*8] and 17.5% [*9], respectively.
[*6] Population Estimates as of 15 September 2022, Statistics Bureau of the Ministry of General Affairs.
[*7] Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China, "2022 Civil Affairs s Development Statistics Bulletin", 13 October 2023.
[*8] Census and Statistics Department, HKSAR Government, End of 2022.
[*9] Population Projections for the Republic of China (Taiwan): 2022-2070, National Development Council, August 2022.
CogSmart aims to reduce the risk and cost of dementia, and improve quality of life not only in Japan but also other countries and regions around the world by socially implementing early prevention and management of dementia by making our products and services available to all markets.
BrainSuite® is currently available in Japanese, English and Chinese (Simplified & Traditional) for different applications. Please contact us for more information and partnership opportunities at [email protected].
Message from Mr. Masatake Kaneda, Executive Director of Medock General Health Checkup Clinic
We started accepting foreign patients in 2022, and the number has increased since May 2023, more than 90% of which are of Chinese heritage.
China's population is ageing and there is a great deal of concern about dementia. However, in China, dementia is generally recognised as a disease that cannot be prevented, and many people are not even aware that there is an examination for dementia.
When we introduced BrainSuite to Chinese visitors coming to Japan for medical check-ups, they were intrigued and quite interested. Thanks to the release of the Chinese-language reports, we have great expectations for Chinese examinees receiving the check-ups.
BrainSuite focuses on the fact that hippocampal atrophy begins before dementia and that the size of the hippocampus is strongly related to lifestyle habits. By measuring the volume of the hippocampus, we aim to improve the lifestyle habits of our patients. I think its most important feature is that it provides an opportunity to encourage behavioural change.
By using BrainSuite®, we can motivate people who, despite the need, have not been able to take action to change their behaviour, and prevent not only dementia but other illnesses such as cancer, stroke and heart disease. We hope that this technology will help to prevent such lifestyle diseases.
Message from Yasuhiro Yamamoto, Hospital Director of Tokyo Hikifune Hospital
With the number of overseas travellers increasing rapidly, the number of foreign tourists admitted to emergency departments is also rising rapidly. Due to the need to establish a robust reception system as a disaster base hospital, we aimed to obtain JMIP certification for our medical institution, and received the JIH certification in February 2024.
In April 2024, we began accepting full medical examinations for foreign travellers. The concept of medical check-ups for foreign travellers is to promote comprehensive health management, so we felt that simply reporting test results wasn’t doing enough for these patients.
With this in mind, we believe that by combining early detection and prevention of brain health conditions with BrainSuite®, we have created a service that is easy for patients to understand. In addition, by conducting multiple tests over time, proper health management, guidance and prevention become possible.
In order to improve emergency medical care, which is the foundation of what Tokyo Hikifune Hospital does, BrainSuite is part of our efforts to improve staff hospitality, education and patient intake.
Message from Akira Higuchi, CEO of CogSmart Co., Ltd./CogSmart Asia
"BrainSuite® can provide meaningful and satisfying services not only to people in Japan, but also to people around the world. After listening to customer feedback, we decided to start providing services to tourists in their preferred language, starting with Chinese speakers.”
So far, we have exchanged opinions with people involved in preventive medicine in Asia, Europe, the United States and the Middle East, and we have found that there is currently no other service on the market like BrainSuite® that is catered to patients and easily accessible to them. We believe this is a service that will be in high demand for overseas patients. In Asia, medical tourism destinations such as Singapore, Thailand and India are growing. In Japan, where preventive medical services such as brain scans and comprehensive health checks are popular at reasonable prices, we are confident that we will be able to provide highly satisfying BrainSuite® services that cannot be found in other countries.
We would like to thank Medock General Health Checkup Clinic and Tokyo Hikifune Hospital for providing new services in a highly satisfactory environment starting this month. In the future, we will continue building partnerships with medical institutions not only in Tokyo but also other regions, and together we aim to contribute to combating dementia and improving quality of life to people around the world.
■Overview on Medock General Health Checkup Clinic
Address:3-11-18 Kamiosaki, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
■Overview on Medical Corporation Hakuhokai, Tokyo Hikifune Hospital
Address: 2-27-1 Higashimukojima, Sumida-ku, Tokyo
■Company Profile of CogSmart Co., Ltd.
Incorporated: October 2019
Representatives: CEO Akira Higuchi, CSO Prof. Yasuyuki Taki
Headquarter: 3-8-5 Nihonbashi Honmachi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo